Monday, January 31, 2011

Shelf Porn

so apparently, this is a thing we're doing today. Ilias Kyriazis challenged me (practically)

so here's (most of) my shelf porn, I've left out the main DVD shelf and some other random comics shelves around the house. cos you can never have enough really, can you?

needless to say, I have too many comics

*annotated for hilarity and OCDness

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FF twitter-craze

"it's hella boring tonight. I'm gonna read the entire Hickman FF run from the start. hells to the yes."

that was me, 6 hours ago, on my new comics-specific twitter account. what followed was a 6-hour long live-tweeting marathon as I read through the last issues of the Mark Millar run and then the entirety of Jonathan Hickman's run on Fantastic Four, two years worth of FF stories, and tweeted or twitpic'd every thought or comment going through my head in the process. It's a worthwhile exercise in insanity.

and you should read all about it and tell your friends (cos papa's account is new and he needs more followers)

#ff @theComicsGreek

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